un Quotes
12 Quotes Found

Science and technology are a propellant for building a thriving country, and the happiness of the people and the future of the country hinge on their development. -Kim Jong

Socialism is a sacred cause for realizing the demand and desire of the masses of the people for independence; it is a revolutionary cause that advances amid a fierce struggle against imperialism and all other counterrevolutionary forces. -Kim Jong

There is no force in the world that can block the powerful march of our army and people, who are holding high the banner of the suns of great Comrade Kim Il Sung and great Comrade Kim Jong Il and continuing to advance under the leadership of the party and with strong faith in sure victory. -Kim Jong

The great Comrade Kim Jong Il was an outstanding leader who, true to the President's great idea, developed Chongryon into a pacesetter of patriotism, into a model of patriotic loyalty to the motherland, and into a prototype body of overseas compatriots. -Kim Jong

Peasants, who after the liberation of the country became the masters of their lands and their country under the benevolence of Comrade Kim Il Sung, launched the campaigns for increasing agricultural production and donating cereals out of patriotism, and thus faithfully supported the Party's line of nation building. -Kim Jong

Patriotism is not an abstract concept. It begins from one's own home. It buds out from the love for one's parents, spouses and children, the love for one's own home, village and workplace, and further develops into the love for one's country and fellow people. -Kim Jong

To apply Kim Jong Il's patriotism means to thoroughly materialize the General's intentions and desires for the prosperity of the country and the happiness of all generations to come and to carry on all work for achieving the prosperity of the country in the way he did. -Kim Jong

Nothing will be beyond our reach when we make the flames of creating positive deeds flare up across the country with the virtues of the young vanguard as the initial spark and bring into full play the mounting vigour of the millions of young people. -Kim Jong

The strength of self-reliance and self-development is that of science and technology, and the shortcut to implementing the five-year strategy is to give importance and precedence to science and technology. -Kim Jong