Martin McGuinness Quotes
6 Quotes Found

We don't believe that winning elections and winning any amount of votes will win freedom in Ireland. At the end of the day, it will be the cutting edge of the IRA which will bring freedom.
Martin McGuinness

Whenever people reach out the hand of friendship towards me, I am not going to refuse that hand.
Martin McGuinness

There are no military solutions - dialogue and diplomacy are the only guarantee of lasting peace.
Martin McGuinness

As a young man on the streets of Derry, I saw Ian Paisley as an immortal opponent of everything to do with equality, justice, fairness, and respect for Irishness.
Martin McGuinness

Within loyalism and the UVF, there are clearly people who are not just aggravated by the issue around flags or parades. They're aggravated by me and Sinn Fein being in government. They're opposed to the political institutions - there's an inability of a minority within loyalism to accept the concept of equality.
Martin McGuinness