Scott Gottlieb Quotes
5 Quotes Found

The convergence of information technology and biology allows scientists to translate the human genome into digital data that can accelerate diagnoses and cures.
Scott Gottlieb

The fact is that Medicaid doesn't even serve well the medical needs of people who should be its principal focus - Americans who are poor in large part because their chronic health problems leave them unable to earn a stable income.
Scott Gottlieb

Americans broadly consent to funding clinical research because they believe in the promise of medical research. But people support scientific work only if they trust that it serves societal interests, respects patient dignity and operates with guardrails.
Scott Gottlieb

When I was a medical student, a pulmonary professor of mine cajoled me into joining a clinical trial that she was running. The general aim of the tests was to determine whether prolonged periods of short and shallow breathing would cause a person's lungs to go into spasm. It turns out, as I can attest, that they do.
Scott Gottlieb