Marquis de Lafayette Quotes
12 Quotes Found

I shall ask for the abolition for the punishment of death until I have the infallibility of human judgment demonstrated to me.
Marquis de Lafayette

I experience for the American officers and soldiers that friendship which arises from having shared with them for a length of time dangers, sufferings, and both good and evil fortune.
Marquis de Lafayette

When the government violates the people's rights, insurrection is, for the people and for each portion of the people, the most sacred of the rights and the most indispensible of duties.
Marquis de Lafayette

My grand affair appears settled, for America is certain of her independence, humanity has gained her cause, and liberty will never be without a place of refuge.
Marquis de Lafayette

Nature has made men free and equal. The distinctions necessary for social order are only founded on general utility.
Marquis de Lafayette

It is the pride of my heart to have been one of the earliest adopted sons of America.
Marquis de Lafayette

All the evils of France have been produced less by the perversity of the wicked and the violence of fools than by the hesitation of the weak, the compromises of conscience, and the tardiness of patriotism. Let every deputy, every Frenchman show what he feels, what he thinks, and we are saved!
Marquis de Lafayette

I gave my heart to the Americans and thought of nothing else but raising my banner and adding my colors to theirs.
Marquis de Lafayette

It was by a Maryland colonel in the year 1777 that the British received, in the gallant defense of an important fort, one of the first lessons of what they were to expect from American valor and patriotism.
Marquis de Lafayette

Our articles of confederation ought to be revised and measures immediately taken to invigorate the Continental Union. Depend upon it: there lies the danger for America. This last stroke is wanting, and unless the states be strongly bound to each other, we have to fear from British and, indeed, from European politics.
Marquis de Lafayette