H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Quotes
28 Quotes Found

Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than the one with all the facts.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Never forget the three powerful resources you always have available to you: love, prayer, and forgiveness.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Remember that a gesture of friendship, no matter how small, is always appreciated.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Acquaintances we meet, enjoy, and can easily leave behind; but friendship grows deep roots.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Choose your life's mate carefully. From this one decision will come 90 percent of all your happiness or misery.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Remember that creating a successful marriage is like farming: you have to start over again every morning.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

You must take action now that will move you towards your goals. Develop a sense of urgency in your life.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Remember that no relationship is a total waste of time. You can always learn something about yourself.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Let the refining and improving of your own life keep you so busy that you have little time to criticize others.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.