Adlai Stevenson I Quotes
15 Quotes Found

Do you know the difference between a beautiful woman and a charming one? A beauty is a woman you notice, a charmer is one who notices you.
Adlai Stevenson I

Communism is the death of the soul. It is the organization of total conformity - in short, of tyranny - and it is committed to making tyranny universal.
Adlai Stevenson I

There was a time when a fool and his money were soon parted, but now it happens to everybody.
Adlai Stevenson I

We travel together, passengers on a little spaceship, dependent on its vulnerable reserves of air and soil, all committed, for our safety, to its security and peace. Preserved from annihilation only by the care, the work and the love we give our fragile craft.
Adlai Stevenson I

I have been thinking that I would make a proposition to my Republican friends... that if they will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them.
Adlai Stevenson I

The idea that you can merchandise candidates for high office like breakfast cereal - that you can gather votes like box tops - is, I think, the ultimate indignity to the democratic process.
Adlai Stevenson I

I'm not an old, experienced hand at politics. But I am now seasoned enough to have learned that the hardest thing about any political campaign is how to win without proving that you are unworthy of winning.
Adlai Stevenson I

The first principle of a free society is an untrammeled flow of words in an open forum.
Adlai Stevenson I

If the Republicans will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them.
Adlai Stevenson I