George Santayana Quotes
21 Quotes Found

Graphic design is the paradise of individuality, eccentricity, heresy, abnormality, hobbies and humors.
George Santayana

The dreamer can know no truth, not even about his dream, except by awaking out of it.
George Santayana

Friendship is almost always the union of a part of one mind with the part of another; people are friends in spots.
George Santayana

We must welcome the future, remembering that soon it will be the past; and we must respect the past, remembering that it was once all that was humanly possible.
George Santayana

When men and women agree, it is only in their conclusions; their reasons are always different.
George Santayana

It takes patience to appreciate domestic bliss; volatile spirits prefer unhappiness.
George Santayana

Religion in its humility restores man to his only dignity, the courage to live by grace.
George Santayana

I believe in general in a dualism between facts and the ideas of those facts in human heads.
George Santayana

Friends are generally of the same sex, for when men and women agree, it is only in the conclusions; their reasons are always different.
George Santayana