Gustave Flaubert Quotes
15 Quotes Found

Artists who seek perfection in everything are those who cannot attain it in anything.
Gustave Flaubert

You can calculate the worth of a man by the number of his enemies, and the importance of a work of art by the harm that is spoken of it.
Gustave Flaubert

The most glorious moments in your life are not the so-called days of success, but rather those days when out of dejection and despair you feel rise in you a challenge to life, and the promise of future accomplishments.
Gustave Flaubert

To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost.
Gustave Flaubert

Love is a springtime plant that perfumes everything with its hope, even the ruins to which it clings.
Gustave Flaubert

Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original in your work.
Gustave Flaubert

Human speech is like a cracked kettle on which we tap crude rhythms for bears to dance to, while we long to make music that will melt the stars.
Gustave Flaubert