Malcolm Gladwell Quotes
7 Quotes Found

The injunction to be nice is used to deflect criticism and stifle the legitimate anger of dissent.
Malcolm Gladwell

The older I get, the more I understand that the only way to say valuable things is to lose your fear of being correct.
Malcolm Gladwell

I have profoundly mixed feelings about the Affordable Care Act. What I love about it is its impulse. It attempts to deal with this intractable problem in American health care life, which is that a significant portion of the population does not have access to quality medical care.
Malcolm Gladwell

Part of me thinks that innovation, real innovation in health care delivery, needs to happen from the bottom to the top.
Malcolm Gladwell

Once you understand that Goliath is much weaker than you think he is, and David has superior technology, then you say: why do we tell the story the way we do? It becomes, actually, a far more meaningful and important story in its retelling than in the kind of unsophisticated way we've done it for, I think, too long.
Malcolm Gladwell